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The story begins with a strong woman named Kathy Simmons.

  She worked loyally in the grocery business for 27 years! She was always strong-willed and financially disciplined. One day a local restaurant in the small town of Brandenburg, KY, went up for sale and her friend and mentor told her she should go for it — buy the location and open a restaurant! Kathy always had a customer-focused perspective. She was obviously the perfect person for such a task. The task was not ideal though. She had just lost her 16-year-old son Alex in a tragic car accident. This bright young man was an avid baseball fan and was a collector of baseball memorabilia. He even played baseball in his school district. One day, Kathy was thinking about listening to her friend about opening the restaurant. She thought about a name that really just kind of worked and was inspired by her son’s fandom — HOME PLATE! The name was born from a broken heart. The restaurant was opened in 2006 and the theme was already decided. Baseball would be the theme in honor of her lost son. A mural was made to honor him and his jersey number. No. 8. This restaurant is in his honor and you can bet the food has just as much love put into it as the creation of the the restaurant. Kathy is often found working in the kitchen with her family and amazing employees. Be sure to say hello when you are there! She appreciates everyone who walks through the front door!


Thank you for reading her story and supporting her business. It means more than you know. See you soon!!

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